- AFRICA - Busia, Kenya
- AFRICA - Asokore, Ghana
- ASIA - Nepal/India
- ASIA - Philippines
"...Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved..."- Mark 16:15-16
The Great Commision of Christ does not end at our front door but extends across the globe. We therefore seek to assist people of all nations as the Lord gives us ability. The gospel of Christ has spread rapidly with many people being served though many generous donations from people like you assisting them with food and water in times of famine and drought, and providing clothing and shelter to protect them from the elements.
The church has begun to flourish as souls are saved though many thanksgivings toward God and His providence accepting Him as their Lord and Savior. Please see a brief summary of the work we currently support below:
From worshiping under an obule tree during times of famine and drought to progressing to having their own venue for the church, Evangelist Sam Panyako has been able to provide for orphans and the community as minister at Obule Hillside church of Christ in Busia Kenya.
For more information of the ministry in Kenya please email him at spanyako@yahoo.com or visit their website at http://obulechurchofchrist.weebly.com
If you would like to send your love offering to their work feel free to go to our "donation" button and send your donation of any size and note "Kenya Mission".
We have been in constant contact and support of Bro. Collins Adjei who has, over the years, planted 12 congregations through the training of 28 workers and open air outreach.
His focus has been on restoration and creating a better community for the people of Ghana through the teachings of Jesus.
For more information on the ministry at Ghana please email collinsblacus@yahoo.co.uk. If you would like to support this work go to our "donate" button with your donation and note "Ghana Mission".
Bro. Krishna Oli and cooperation with other evangelists throughout Nepal and northern India have been championing the cause of Christ by assisting the needy, aiding the handicap and spreading the gospel of Jesus.
Currently, many converts are struggling due to intense poverty, being disowned by family and persecution by Hindu extremists- a majority religious group throughout the region.
For more information on this ministry in Nepal/India please email krishnaoli1968@gmail.com. If you would like to support this work please go to our donation page and note: "Nepal/India Mission"
The work of the Lord has also been growing in the Philippines by Evangelist Rayan Sanguan of the Limason church of Christ in the Vincenzo Sagun province.
A new plant with approximately 33 members they seek to advance the gospel of Christ while ministering to the needs of the many impoverished in their area.
Currently, this work does not have an email or website but can be contacted via Facebook. If you would like to support this work please go to our donation page and note: "Philippines Mission"